Close-up on the troublesome squash/pumpkin. I finally understand why they suggested planting them like 5' on either side. My plants like to snuggle.

Now I've had the green tomatoes for quite a while now, and haven't thought anything of it. But when I checked this weekend -- "oh shit, they're red!" I'm pretty sure those were my exact words. So the grape tomatoes have started to ripen.

As well as these yellows ones that I'm going to have to look up because apparently I never blogged my vegetable acquisition.

Another jalapeno was picked! I also had my first habenero, which is very cool, because it isn't like a fruit dangling, but instead this little bulb on the top of the stem. More photos will come of this. I have another ripening outside. It's uber-cute though.

And then shockingly enough, I came across, not just one, but two zucchinis! I didn't even know that they were out there. Let alone would flourish into this gi-normous vegetables.

Look, its bigger than my forearm! It's huge!!

No really, look at it next to the soda can.

So my vegetable bounty this weekend:

I love this shot. It makes me so proud. Like I'm shopping at Whole Foods, except I grew them! I'm not in the produce section!

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