Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Finally my Romas are ripening up! I still have an abundance of cherry tomatoes as well. I'd neglected to check on the garden all weekend, so I went out Monday afternoon to find the entire thing overrun with ripe tomatoes. Some of which has fallen to ground, but were still edible or ripening.

There is still a good amount in the process of ripening, and within a couple of days I should have doubled my harvest. If anyone has some good tomato recipe ideas, let me know!

Then I cut up all of the herbs and will be drying what I have left. Only my Bloodleaf remains in the containers. I've saved what I can of the soil, and while toss in some fertilizer when its time to reuse it in the spring.

Tomatoes and herbsTomatoes

In addition to harvesting tomatoes and herbs, I cleaned up the garden. I figure that if I go plant-by-plant, it will be easier to take care of in the end when I plant the bulbs. Weeds have been few and far between luckily. I uprooted all of the diseased squash, as the baby squash had started to rot as well. The salvia is flourishing, the begonias are holding their own, and the argeritum seems to be making a come back. The celosia died off a while ago.

Pre Clean-UpPost Clean-up
Post-Clean Up

My brussel sprouts are getting big and should be ready to pick soon!

Brussel sprouts