Friday, May 2, 2008

No restraint: picking up herbs

I went down to Pemberton Farms today to pick out some herbs for my porch. This year I'd like to go for useful herbs rather than whatever catches my eye. Last year I mainly used basil (when it was freakishly contaminated), marjoram and oregano. The dill was a bit of a waste. The mint, while I love it, I didn't use too much.

Pemberton Farms

In any case, this is what I ended up getting:

Oregano, Greek
Rosemary, Sal's Choice
Thyme, French
Sage, purple
Marigolds (2 six packs)
Calendula (1 six pack)

For my mother, since she was a good excuse to buy things I didn't need:
Mint, Pennyroyal (n=2; for cat mat-making, not consuming)
Mint, Crisp Scotch

Pemberton Farms

I also picked up that cute new planter, which is 30" by 10" with a built-in troph in the bottom for the rail on your porch to set into. No hanging off the side of the rail. It seems moderately more stable, but I'm concerned that it will (a) look tacky and (b) result in less sunlight since it sets farther into the roofed porch.