Thursday, August 14, 2008

Clarity at last

If you noticed from the vague nature of my posts, I have completely forgotten what variety of tomatoes I planted this year. So instead of going out to the garden and digging through to locate their labels, I chose to google their traits until I found them.

As it turns out, the mystery tomatoes are:

(1) Yellow Pear Tomatoes

(2) Purple Calabash Heirloom Tomatoes - I think. It could be a different black variety, the green stripes almost look like a Black Krim, but the shape is more Calabash like, whereas the Krim is smoother, rounder. I might have to actually dig to confirm this guy.

It's a bit strange though because I swear I planted a Mr. Stripey of some kind. But I'm getting the Big Boy or Better Boy tomatoes, and these two heirloom varities and the grape. The fifth plant died..I think. It's hard to tell with the way that they're all tangled. Oh, and my weed-tomato plants are producing fruit. It was the romas that survived, not the grape.

I went to the Garden Club meeting yesterday evening. We sampled Heirloom tomatoes of many varieties, learned about the importance and value of cultivating heirlooms (empowering the grower, passing down history, purpose-driven variety), and the proper way to start tomatoes from seedlings. Fun! Tasty! My favorite was the Purple Cherokee, amazing flavor.

I was also able to ask about the demise of my squash plants last year and now this year. The pumpkin is probably not salvageable. As it turns out, its mildew. Due to the excessive rains we've had. I'm going to try the baking soda spray that was recommended. I'm a little worried that they are beyond repair for the most part. I haven't seen fruit growing since the first two zucchini.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Tomatoes gone wild

So the tomatoes are really taking off now that they've started to ripen.

My greatest pride and joy is the heirloom plant I picked up this year. I can't recall offhand the type, but it purple and zebra something or other. Let's just move onto photos.

The first ripening heirloom..

The second ripening heirloom...



The rest of what I picked yesterday.


And the big boys or better boys, whichever one I chose in the end are starting to ripen as well.


The pepper photos that I promised. See how they're grow like a little bulb on top?



Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Holy crap, it's August - and there is stuff!!

Alright, I'm starting with my mandatory overview of the garden. It kind of took over. I keep having to pull the pumpkin plant out of the neighbor's yard. The stakes for the tomatoes have failed to hold them up several times. Even the straw flowers keep toppling over, and I've invested in stakes for them as well. But overall, its pretty lush for a flowerbed garden!


Close-up on the troublesome squash/pumpkin. I finally understand why they suggested planting them like 5' on either side. My plants like to snuggle.

Squash plants

Now I've had the green tomatoes for quite a while now, and haven't thought anything of it. But when I checked this weekend -- "oh shit, they're red!" I'm pretty sure those were my exact words. So the grape tomatoes have started to ripen.

Ripe tomatoes

As well as these yellows ones that I'm going to have to look up because apparently I never blogged my vegetable acquisition.

Ripe tomatoes

Another jalapeno was picked! I also had my first habenero, which is very cool, because it isn't like a fruit dangling, but instead this little bulb on the top of the stem. More photos will come of this. I have another ripening outside. It's uber-cute though.

And then shockingly enough, I came across, not just one, but two zucchinis! I didn't even know that they were out there. Let alone would flourish into this gi-normous vegetables.

Look, its bigger than my forearm! It's huge!!
Zucchini forearm comparison

No really, look at it next to the soda can.

Zucchini soda can comparison

So my vegetable bounty this weekend:

Zucchini soda can comparison

I love this shot. It makes me so proud. Like I'm shopping at Whole Foods, except I grew them! I'm not in the produce section!

Zucchini soda can comparison